Perry Mehrling wrote an interesting post called Why did the ECB LTROs help? He visits the comparison of the Federal Reserve Interdistrict Settlement Account and the ECB Target2 settlement mechanism . I have also found this comparison in a number of other publications, see the list at bottom. Here is the comment I left at the Money View blog. My reading of the Euro-system rules is that deficit national central banks (NCBs) never have to settle with surplus NCBs. These intra-system balances can grow ad infinitum. Thus, deficit NCBs don't have to worry about owning acceptable assets for settlement, since there is no ultimate day of reckoning. The result is that survival constraints for Eurosystem NCBs are far looser than the survival constraints faced by regional Federal Reserve banks, which must settle each year. In the old days this settlement was conducted by transfers of gold certificates amongst regional Federal Reserve banks. After 1975 the settlement medium was switched to secu...