Nick Rowe , Scott Sumner , and most recently, David Glasner , all say that the US's current medium of account is the dollar. I disagree. I think that the current medium of account is CPI units. Here's why. First, there's been some sloppiness with definitions in the links above, so let's define the term. The medium of account is whatever defines the unit of account . I think this a pretty standard definition. That's Bill Woolsey's definition here . David echoes this definition in his comment here . Take an old-style central bank that holds 100% gold reserves in its vault. It chooses the word "dollar" to stand as the unit of account . The bank then goes on to define the dollar as equal to x grains of gold. Thus the medium of account is gold. Our central bank issues paper notes which are to be used as the medium of exchange . Shopkeepers post prices in terms of the unit of account , the dollar, and accept notes as payment. Some shopkeepers might eve...